Oct 24, 2008

oh. you know jesus?

[10:52]dj02: i moving next week
[10:52]lissa: to where
[10:52]dj02: sherman oaks
[10:52]lissa: with whom
[10:52]dj02: my friend jesus
[10:52]lissa: dude
[10:52]lissa: no way
[10:53]dj02: way
[10:53]lissa: youre gonna live with jesus?
[10:53]dj02: indeed
[10:53]dj02: lolz
[10:53]lissa: thats pretty cool.
[10:53]dj02: ya
[10:53]lissa: is he gonna do some cool tricks?
[10:53]dj02: the place is awesome
[10:53]lissa: like the whole walk on water stuff?
[10:53]dj02: lmao!!!
[10:53]lissa: wait a minute..
[10:53]dj02: im going to see if he can
[10:53]lissa: you mean HAY zeuz.
[10:53]lissa: i think that still means jesus
[10:53]lissa: so yeha
[10:54]lissa: give the tricks a try
[10:54]lissa: especially that one where he turns water to wine
[10:54]lissa: im dying to see that shit man
[10:54]dj02: thats what im all about
[10:54]dj02: lol