Aug 13, 2007

when all else fails

melissa: thats completely unacceptable that we cant give them dates.
melissa: that process is RETARDED.
daniel: yahoo, "Sooo...when will the change appear on Yahoo?"
daniel: ummm
melissa: the integrity of our local data should be good if it is IN our system.
daniel: "3 months from now?"
melissa: if the data is bad, then it shouldnt be in there. period.
daniel: yup
melissa: yeah yahoo changes are a fucking headache.
melissa: i kid you not, i opened 5 site issues on thursday last week
melissa: all about extended distribution
daniel: i wonder how many extended distribution site issues they get every week?
melissa: probably not enough to warrant an investigation of the connection between our sites.
daniel: lol...great
daniel: good times
melissa: yep
melissa: all around
melissa: beer pong?
daniel: absolutely