Oct 16, 2006

why is she eating again?

melissa: why is she eating again?
daniel: lol
daniel: when is she not eating?
melissa: lol
daniel: she has a freekin 7-11 in her desk
daniel: twinkies, slurpee machine,
melissa: lol
daniel: sodas
daniel: i bet there's an indian guy hiding up there too
melissa: lol
melissa: stop it

need insurance?

daniel: http://www.statefarm.com/apps/agentLoc/AgentInformation.asp?na=US&st=53&ofc=8425
daniel: i'd "buy insurance" off this one
daniel: if you know what i mean
melissa: LOL
(i laughed so hard i snorted)
melissa: omg
daniel: well...i would definitely "get a homeowners policy" off this chick

los angeles traffic vs. greg = ftw!

greg: phew made it home and back
melissa: excellent
melissa: home & back ftw!
greg: lol gg ^^
melissa: thx
greg: see your 1337 already. rd to wow
greg: j4x0r n00bs
melissa: naw.
greg: lol
melissa: im not going to be teh wowing
greg: haha

the workplace should read the giggle corner

Jake: no
fraulein: holy hell
fraulein: crisis monday
fraulein: everyone and their dog has issues
Jake: lol
Jake: send them to your giggle corner
fraulein: seriously
fraulein: they need a giggle

Oct 12, 2006

office action

there's a paper jam.

i casually sit at my desk. im wearing a new jacket. i dont want ink on it.
then i hear:

'ok i can't find this. is anybody good at jams?'

Oct 3, 2006

why mom isnt going to the oktoberfest

mom: free beer if hes working that booth?
melissa: he didnt give me free beer last year
mom: a-hole
melissa: doesnt matter
melissa: its not like its expensive
mom: true
melissa: and hello, im your daughter. i pre-party
mom: LOL
mom i dont know what youre talking about
melissa: hahah ok lady janes
mom: and thats why i am not going to octoberfest
melissa: cause you dont wanna party with your daughter?
mom: dont want to be seeing you try out your strippin techniques
melissa: hahah ya. me with my bum foot. however, amber will
mom: lalllaalalalalala
mom: dont hear you

Oct 1, 2006

why i get good grades

melissa: its like week 7 of school
melissa: and i havent read anything out of the books
melissa: and im managing a B in soc and an A in art
carlo: its cuz ur a genie
carlo: reading is pointless
melissa: agreed
carlo: as long as u pay attention in class then pow!
melissa: lol
melissa: my classes are online
melissa: i dont even sit there and listen to anyone
melissa: everything is based on me reading
carlo: haha
carlo: well its cuz u watch law n order. thats why u have good grades
melissa: ya.. thats what i figured
melissa: you are so right

but there's an update!

carlo: u missed out on the side boob hour on family guy
melissa: no i didnt
melissa: its tivo'ed
carlo: oo
carlo: seee, thats why ur passing with good grades
carlo: genie!
melissa: heh.. the mighty tivo not only records television, but makes me pass college
carlo: indeed. its pretty handy